In the world of Remnants, each house is bound to a celestial deity, a divine force that bestows its members with unique gifts and shapes their legacy. These celestial beings embody the essence of each house, guiding their values, powers, and destinies.
The House of Khaldun: Blessed by the Nemean Lion, this house wields the unmatched power to shift at will while retaining their sanity, cementing their place as the most formidable among their kin.
Each house reflects the traits of its celestial deity, carrying forward a legacy of strength, loyalty, and purpose in a world governed by humans.
The crest of the House of Khaldun stands as a testament to their divine lineage and unmatched power. At its center is the golden Nemean Lion, not merely a symbol but the celestial deity of the Khaldun bloodline. It is through the Nemean Lion’s blessing that the Khalduns were granted the extraordinary ability to shift at will while retaining their sanity—a gift that solidified their title as the most powerful house among their kin.
Encircling the lion is a breathtaking array of celestial elements: a crescent moon on the left, embodying wisdom and reflection, and a radiant, swirling sun on the right, symbolizing vitality and energy. These elements represent the divine balance upheld by the house under the lion's guidance.
Two silver wolves rise beneath the lion, their howls echoing the unbreakable bond between their mortal and celestial heritage. These guardians embody the loyalty and strength that define the Khaldun legacy. The intricate golden scrollwork surrounding the crest reinforces their enduring lineage, flourishing under the lion's divine favor.
At the base of the crest lies a compass star, symbolizing the guidance and destiny of their house, paired with a banner that proclaims their eternal creed:
“Eternal as the stars, unyielding as the earth, unbroken as the heavens.”
The crest of the House of Khaldun is not merely a family emblem—it is a reminder of their celestial blessing, their unshakable will, and the legacy of a house destined to stand above all others in strength, loyalty, power and unshakable pride.
The House of Khaldun's crest symbolizes their divine lineage and power, blessed by the Nemean Lion.
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